"Przyszłość należy do Was, do młodych. Trzeba abyście wchodzili na wielkie drogi historii nie tylko tu w Europie, ale na wszystkich kontynentach i wszędzie ażebyście stawali się świadkami chrystusowych błogosławieństw."




piątek, 15 lutego 2013

Tips for Erasmus - search ACCOMMODATION

A lot of new incoming Erasmus (and not only) to Florence  has the same problem - where to live?

Definitely all hotels which are avaiable in this city, even in the suburbs (which is also not so comfortable) are too expensive for "defined" student. Ok, so in which way?

How is written in the website University of Florence for incoming students:


Unfortunately the University of Florence does not offer an accommodation service. One solution 
could be to come to Florence at least one week before the courses beginning and get information 
directly here.  
At the moment we can only provide the following information:  

Florence Student Point 
viale Gramsci, 9/A - 50132 Firenze
phone 055.2261366; fax 055.2261368
e-mail: http://www.cce.unifi.it/didattica/info@studentpointfirenze.it
http: //www.studentpointfirenze.it/

Opening hours: Mondays - Fridays 10 am - 5 pm

This office offers incoming foreign student's reception services, as well as information concerning
accommodation, including a list of landlords.

Youth Hostels 

Upon arrival, students can stay for a maximum of three nights at the following youth hostels: ( I suppose that these 3 nights are for free)

Ostello della Gioventù Villa Camerata  

Viale Augusto Righi, 214 - 50137 Firenze
Phone: 055.601451 - fax 055.610300)

Ostello Santa Monaca 

Via S. Monaca, 6 - 50124 Firenze
Phone: 055.268338 - fax 055.280185

Hostel Harmony 

Via Guido Monaco 34 - 50144 Firenze

Okey so this is one of the solution for beginning. What's later? 

The best way to find great offers is search in these websites: 

1) www.kijiji.it

2) www.bakeca.it

is enough only to write region, city and which  requirements have we for new flat.


Other method is to register in the website for Erasmus students:

This website was created special for Erasmus students. There we can find announces for accomodation (rent, divide, serach room/flatmates etc.), a lot of forum from every city in the Europe, we can meet first time our future colleagues, even who will attend the same courses.

Is necessery only registration and the doors are open ;)


Good and very dynamic way to find flatmates or own room is to join to the groups in Facebook (there is many for Erasmus in Florence so I will concentrate on these the most active).
Special organizations which take care for incoming students: organize patries, trips around Italy, aperitifs etc... On the board of groups students write proposals.  You can also see who is actually in Florence and ask personally via facebook.
Organizations (and group on fb):

- Erasmus Firenze 2012-2013 - Aegee Firenze


-Erasmus Duemilatredici Firenze Florence ( Studenti Internazionali)


Esn Florentia

-ESN Florentia 


The most of Erasmus stay in Florence for one semester. In this case is good opportunity to communicate with left Erasmus, and ask about apartments and all details that we are interested.

These are the ways when you don't have any acquintances in Florence or even in Italy. In other case...


1) ... your aquaintance can find good advertisement in regional newspaper (ask in Tabaccheria) or in the free magazines which are avaiable in special racks in the street ;)

2)...or to find offers in campus, in the facolties of our university. There is a lot, but most of them are not valid, becuse nobody put them off...never ;)

Always you have to call for these kind of advertisement (they gave only phone number). If your italian is good you will not have problem with fix an appointment with owner. If not... you can please for speaking slower, but it won't be working :D They can't speak slowly, but are willing to give you these room so is enough to write them sms ( when and where can we meet) and waiting for response. It will come quickly ;)  (I had this several times in the begining of my adventure).

Other infos: 

- Usually for double room ( stanza doppia - 2 beds in one room) one person has to pay 250E. For signle room (stana singola) has to pay from 300 (realy cheap) to 450, so medium is about 400E. Of course it depends which district of Florence ( in Novoli - where is University, or in the Downtown accommodations is more expensive.

-Usually (99% ;p I didn't have to) the owners want deposite about 300 Euros.

- Is possible to find cheaper room wihout windows and with kitchen  on the terrace :D My friend could stay there only 2 weeks...

-If you have any concrete and reasonable information feel free to ask ;)  jacek.traveler@gmail.com or in even better on facebook ;)

So, is a lot of way to find good apartment in Florence, but is no easy to find these appropriate which is well situaited and bills are not so high.

Best regards ;)

P.S At least you can buy some caravan and sleep in the parking. Close to the University is river = water, toilets in University, wi-fi also, mensa (canteen) so? any obstacle to normal student's live :D

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